XXIV Universal International Exhibition «White city - Ashgabat»
XXIV Универсальная международная выставка «Белый город Ашхабад»
Cегодня беломраморный Ашхабад, признанный “жемчужиной” Азии, стал одним из красивых и комфортабельных для проживания городов мира. Создание благопроиятных условий для проживания людей является приоритетным направлением Программы развития страны и государственной политики Туркменистана, успешно реализуемых по инициативе заслуженного архитектора Туркменистана, Героя-Аркадага Гурбангулы Бердымухамедова и достойно продолжаемых в настоящее время под руководством уважаемого Президента Сердара Бердымухамедова. При этом следует также отметить, что придается большое значение строительству объектов социально-культурного назначения, а также города Аркадаг, использованию в городе “умных” технологий и источников возобновляемой энергии.
Участники выставки.
Министерства и ведомства Туркменистана, члены Союза промышленников и предпринимателей Туркменистана, иностранные компании и бизнесмены.
Широкий ряд производимых в стране и импортозамещающих строительных материалов, пищевых продуктов, мебели, товаров народного потребления.
Конгресс-центр г. Ашхабад
Industrial sectors
Aerospace Airport Construction, Agriculture ,Forestry, Landscape Gardening, Fisheries, Livestock Farming, Chemical and Petrochemical Industry, City Sanitation, Water Technology, Waste Disposal, Public Services, Clothing, Fashion, Accessories, Computer-Aided Engineering, Factory Automation, Measuring and Control, Construction Technology, Materials and Equipment, Interior Fittings, Consumer Electronics, Multimedia, Cosmetics, Personal Hygiene, Wellness, Defense Technology, Dental Medicine, Dental Technology, Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Energy (conventional and renewable), Environment and Climate Protection, Facility Management, Financial and Insurance Services, Real Estate, Export Promotion, Floorings, Food Processing and Packaging Machinery, Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff, Foundry, Metallurgy (Iron, Non-ferrous Metals), Funerals and Religion, Furniture, Interior Design, National Specialized Exhibitions Abroad, Gifts, Watches Clocks, Jewelry, Crafts, Special Occasion Party Items, Hardware, Tools, Hotel and Catering, Shop Fittings, Household Goods and Appliances, Ceramics, Glassware, Industrial Equipment, Maintenance, Information and Communication Technology, Software, Laboratory Technology, Biotechnology, Leather Processing and Shoe Machinery, Leather, Leather Goods, Shoes, Leisure, Hobby, DIY, Lighting, Lighting Technology, Logistics, Conveyance and Storage Technology, Medical Engineering, Health, Pharmaceuticals, Care, Metalworking, Welding Technology, Mining, Geodesy, Geoinformation, Music (Instruments, Licences), Nursery Equipment, Childrens Clothing, Office Equipment and Supplies, Oil Gas, Ophthalmic Optics, Paper and Printing Industry, Media Production, Photography, Film (Technology, Licences), Plastic and Rubber Processing, Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Technology, Safety, Security, Disaster Control, Shipbuilding, Port Machinery, Offshore Engineering, Sporting Goods, Subcontracting, Surface Treatment Technology, Teaching and Learning Aids, Further and Continuing Education, Business Start-up, Human Resources Development, Technical Optics, Laser Technology, Technologies, Inventions, Innovations, Textile and Clothing Machinery, Textile Cleaning, Textiles (Clothing and Home Textiles, Technical Textiles), Transport and Traffic, Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories), Woodworking, Furniture ProductionSimilar exhibitions
Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff
Sporting Goods
Clean technology
Transport and Traffic
Hotel and Catering, Shop Fittings
Design Services
Lighting, Lighting Technology
Furniture, Interior Design
Gifts, Watches Clocks, Jewelry, Crafts, Special Occasion Party Items
Household Goods and Appliances, Ceramics, Glassware
Leather, Leather Goods, Shoes
Lighting, Lighting Technology
Textiles (Clothing and Home Textiles, Technical Textiles)
Trade Fairs, Congresses and Events, Event and Stage Technology
Furniture, Interior Design
Household Goods and Appliances, Ceramics, Glassware
Woodworking, Furniture Production
Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories)
Recently submitted exhibition applications
Industrial Equipment, Maintenance
Laboratory Technology, Biotechnology
Medical Engineering, Health, Pharmaceuticals, Care
Medical Engineering, Health, Pharmaceuticals, Care