Инновационные решения для зернового хозяйства на международной выставке «Зерновые технологии». «Зерновые технологииa» - крупнейший агропромышленный форум, который занимает ведущее место в АПК Украины как комплекс инновационных решений на разных стадиях производства, хранения, переработки зерновых, бобовых, крупяных и масличных культур. В 2022 году она состоится 15-17 февраля в выставочном центре «КиевЭкспоПлаза» (г.Киев, ул. Салютная, 2Б). На экспозиции широко будет представлена сельскохозяйственная техника и оборудование, технологии для производства зерновой продукции, оборудования для хранения и переработки зерновых и масличных культур, производства комбикормов, оборудования для элеваторов и хлебоприемных пунктов, мукомольной, крупяной промышленности, семенной материал, средства защиты растений, лабораторное и весоизмерительное оборудование. Следует отметить, что свои последние технологические достижения и инновации на выставке будут представлять такие известные компании: Riela, KMZ Industries, Агро-Темп, Агриматко, Амако Украина, Арай, Арсенал, Деметра, Эридон Завод элеваторного оборудования, Завод Кобзаренко, Ламборгини, Монсанто, Торнум, Dow Seeds, Buhler, Bondioli & Pavesi, Westeel и др. Деловая программа выставки станет незаменимым источником информации для специалистов, работающих в сельскохозяйственной отрасли. Участники многочисленных семинаров, конференций, круглых столов, мастер-классов смогут получить полезные консультации и достоверную информацию о состоянии и путях улучшения современного аграрного рынка. Среди ярких событий выставки - объявление победителей всеукраинского конкура «АГРОБРЕНД 2016». Он направлен на развитие брендовой сознании потребителей продукции сельскохозяйственного назначения, популяризацию знаний в области маркетинга и брендинга в стране. Организаторы конкурса: ООО «Киевский международный контрактовый ярмарок» и Ассоциация «Украинский клуб аграрного бизнеса». Выставка «Зерновые технологии» предоставляет широкие возможности производителям сельскохозяйственной продукции ознакомиться и внедрить в своих хозяйствах достижения научно-технического прогресса, передовые технику и технологии. Приглашаем Вас посетить международную выставку инновационных решений в зерновом хозяйстве «Зерновые технологии», которая состоится 15-17 февраля 2012 году В выставочном центре КиевЭкспоПлаза, м. Киев, ул. Салютная, 2Б.
Industrial sectors
Agriculture ,Forestry, Landscape Gardening, Fisheries, Livestock FarmingSimilar exhibitions
Food Processing and Packaging Machinery
Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff
Aerospace Airport Construction
Agriculture ,Forestry, Landscape Gardening, Fisheries, Livestock Farming
Arts, Antiques
Boats, Boat Accessories
Books, Prints, Licences, Libraries
Chemical and Petrochemical Industry
City Sanitation, Water Technology, Waste Disposal, Public Services
Clothing, Fashion, Accessories
Computer-Aided Engineering, Factory Automation, Measuring and Control
Construction Technology, Materials and Equipment, Interior Fittings
Consumer Electronics, Multimedia
Cosmetics, Personal Hygiene, Wellness
Defense Technology
Dental Medicine, Dental Technology
Design Services
Electrical Engineering, Electronics
Energy (conventional and renewable)
Environment and Climate Protection
Facility Management
Financial and Insurance Services, Real Estate, Export Promotion
Food Processing and Packaging Machinery
Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff
Foundry, Metallurgy (Iron, Non-ferrous Metals)
Funerals and Religion
Furniture, Interior Design
Garden and Pet
National Specialized Exhibitions Abroad
Gifts, Watches Clocks, Jewelry, Crafts, Special Occasion Party Items
Hardware, Tools
Hotel and Catering, Shop Fittings
Household Goods and Appliances, Ceramics, Glassware
Industrial Equipment, Maintenance
Information and Communication Technology, Software
Laboratory Technology, Biotechnology
Leather Processing and Shoe Machinery
Leather, Leather Goods, Shoes
Leisure, Hobby, DIY
Lighting, Lighting Technology
Logistics, Conveyance and Storage Technology
Medical Engineering, Health, Pharmaceuticals, Care
Metalworking, Welding Technology
Mining, Geodesy, Geoinformation
Music (Instruments, Licences)
Nursery Equipment, Childrens Clothing
Office Equipment and Supplies
Oil Gas
Ophthalmic Optics
Paper and Printing Industry, Media Production
Photography, Film (Technology, Licences)
Plastic and Rubber Processing
Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Technology
Safety, Security, Disaster Control
Shipbuilding, Port Machinery, Offshore Engineering
Sporting Goods
Surface Treatment Technology
Teaching and Learning Aids, Further and Continuing Education, Business Start-up, Human Resources Development
Technical Optics, Laser Technology
Technologies, Inventions, Innovations
Textile and Clothing Machinery, Textile Cleaning
Textiles (Clothing and Home Textiles, Technical Textiles)
Toys, Games, Computer Games
Trade Fairs for Capital Goods
Trade Fairs for Consumer Goods
Trade Fairs, Congresses and Events, Event and Stage Technology
Transport and Traffic
Tube, Wire
Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories)
Woodworking, Furniture Production
World Expositions
General service trade fairs
Service companies
Scientific research, Science
Clean technology
Packaging, Packaging technology, Printing, Printing technology
Mechanical engineering, machine tools, tools
Tobacco , tobacco industry , smoking industry
Food Processing and Packaging Machinery
Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff
Aerospace Airport Construction
Agriculture ,Forestry, Landscape Gardening, Fisheries, Livestock Farming
Arts, Antiques
Boats, Boat Accessories
Books, Prints, Licences, Libraries
Chemical and Petrochemical Industry
City Sanitation, Water Technology, Waste Disposal, Public Services
Clothing, Fashion, Accessories
Computer-Aided Engineering, Factory Automation, Measuring and Control
Construction Technology, Materials and Equipment, Interior Fittings
Consumer Electronics, Multimedia
Cosmetics, Personal Hygiene, Wellness
Defense Technology
Dental Medicine, Dental Technology
Design Services
Electrical Engineering, Electronics
Energy (conventional and renewable)
Environment and Climate Protection
Facility Management
Financial and Insurance Services, Real Estate, Export Promotion
Food Processing and Packaging Machinery
Food, Beverage and Luxury Foodstuff
Foundry, Metallurgy (Iron, Non-ferrous Metals)
Funerals and Religion
Furniture, Interior Design
Garden and Pet
National Specialized Exhibitions Abroad
Gifts, Watches Clocks, Jewelry, Crafts, Special Occasion Party Items
Hardware, Tools
Hotel and Catering, Shop Fittings
Household Goods and Appliances, Ceramics, Glassware
Industrial Equipment, Maintenance
Information and Communication Technology, Software
Laboratory Technology, Biotechnology
Leather Processing and Shoe Machinery
Leather, Leather Goods, Shoes
Leisure, Hobby, DIY
Lighting, Lighting Technology
Logistics, Conveyance and Storage Technology
Medical Engineering, Health, Pharmaceuticals, Care
Metalworking, Welding Technology
Mining, Geodesy, Geoinformation
Music (Instruments, Licences)
Nursery Equipment, Childrens Clothing
Office Equipment and Supplies
Oil Gas
Ophthalmic Optics
Paper and Printing Industry, Media Production
Photography, Film (Technology, Licences)
Plastic and Rubber Processing
Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Technology
Safety, Security, Disaster Control
Shipbuilding, Port Machinery, Offshore Engineering
Sporting Goods
Surface Treatment Technology
Teaching and Learning Aids, Further and Continuing Education, Business Start-up, Human Resources Development
Technical Optics, Laser Technology
Technologies, Inventions, Innovations
Textile and Clothing Machinery, Textile Cleaning
Textiles (Clothing and Home Textiles, Technical Textiles)
Toys, Games, Computer Games
Trade Fairs for Capital Goods
Trade Fairs for Consumer Goods
Trade Fairs, Congresses and Events, Event and Stage Technology
Transport and Traffic
Tube, Wire
Vehicles (Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Motorcycles, Caravans, Parts and Accessories)
Woodworking, Furniture Production
World Expositions
General service trade fairs
Service companies
Scientific research, Science
Clean technology
Packaging, Packaging technology, Printing, Printing technology
Mechanical engineering, machine tools, tools
Tobacco , tobacco industry , smoking industry
Recently submitted exhibition applications
Industrial Equipment, Maintenance
Medical Engineering, Health, Pharmaceuticals, Care