Building exhibition is the most powerful tool for multipurpose commercial communication.
Baikal Construction Week is the specialized exhibition for those who need information from “first hand” on construction, decoration materials and technological solutions for construction, repair and designing. The most fashionable directions of design and home improvement are also presented at the exhibition.
Specialists can not only demonstrate their products in one place, but also compare prices, offers and programs. It is also a unique opportunity for B2B negotiations with partners and colleagues.
Official assistance: Government of Irkutsk Region, Legislative assambley of the Irkutsk region, Union of builders of the Irkutsk region, Ministry of Construction, Road Facilities of Irkutsk Region, ‘Producers and Entrepreneurs Partnership’ Irkutsk regional association of employers, Support Fund for Entrepreneurship of the Irkutsk region, Baikal Representative office of the Russian Guild of Managers and Developers, Center for Cluster Development of the Irkutsk Region, Union ‘Chamber of Commerce and Industry of East Siberia’, Russian-German Chamber of Commerce.
SibExpoCentre OJSCIndustrial sectors
Construction Technology, Materials and Equipment, Interior FittingsSimilar exhibitions
Furniture, Interior Design
Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Technology
Furniture, Interior Design
Household Goods and Appliances, Ceramics, Glassware
Furniture, Interior Design
Industrial Equipment, Maintenance
Construction Technology, Materials and Equipment, Interior Fittings
Foundry, Metallurgy (Iron, Non-ferrous Metals)
Industrial Equipment, Maintenance
Logistics, Conveyance and Storage Technology
Metalworking, Welding Technology
Technologies, Inventions, Innovations
Trade Fairs for Capital Goods
Recently submitted exhibition applications
Industrial Equipment, Maintenance