International Exhibition of Technologies for the Treatment and Distribution of Drinking Water and Wastewater Treatment

ACCADUEO is the exhibition of industrial supply chains that add value to water

ACCADUEO offers a platform to all players who enhance the value of water in its various fields of application: civil, industrial and agricultural. With its focus on public interest, the show aims to build an advanced industrial supply chain capable of giving impetus to the sector.

ACCADUEO highlights outstanding international models and above all Italian talent, expertise and creative solutions with the aim of developing business opportunities at home and abroad and keeping up with today’s innovations and tomorrow’s technologies.

With the new edition of ACCADUEO, both the public interest and the industrial supply chain are enhanced, thanks to the three thematic routes of the event: Urban dedicated to the world of water services from technology to water resource management; Industry designed for suppliers and manufacturers of technologies, treatment systems, equipment and services dedicated to water management in the industrial sector; CH4 a special focus on technologies and systems for the transportation and distribution of gas aimed at a sector at the center of important development prospects.

ACCADUEO 2023 develops on five focus: Innovation, Internationalization, Digital, Industry and Maintenance to create in-depth areas in which exhibitors and visitors can find their meeting point between demand for know-how and technological offer.

Innovation is the novelty of this year to focus on new technologies, fundamental for achieving an adequate development of water networks and industrial water management systems. The event opens up further to Internationalization with networking opportunities for exhibitors who will be able to meet experts and designers, companies and foreign utilities. With a view to Industry 4.0, ACCADUEO gives life to the Digital Water initiative where digitalization technologies are put in the foreground as a fundamental element for the development of the water and gas sectors. With Industry, the event dedicates a space to the exchange of experiences and best practices related to the world of consumption and treatment of industrial waters. An opportunity to present the most innovative solutions related to the management of water resources in all those sectors characterized by high water use in their processes, such as chemical, energy, food and paper. The historical focus on Maintenance can not be lacking where companies, experts and management companies have the opportunity to present the best technologies for the maintenance and upgrading of water networks.

About Innovation, a renewed New Products Guide  will be realized on the new products/technologies or services  presented by exhibitors. Innovation Showcase and Award  will feature new products, emerging technologies  and inventions,  selected by a special technical/scientific committee of industry experts, in the following fields:

Software and services

Pipes and manholes

Pumps and machinery/plant



Fiere Internazionali Di Bologna

Among exhibitors

Worldwide analogues
11—13 October 2023

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Computer-Aided Engineering, Factory Automation, Measuring and Control
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