Since 1937, this Brussels trade fair has been linking furniture manufacturers to the furniture trade. First nationally, and later internationally. We connect to the furniture trade in Belgium and other West European countries such as the Netherlands, France, Luxembourg, Great Britain, Switzerland, Germany and Scandinavia. Exhibitors from Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and other European countries present their latest collections here over a total surface area of 66,000 m². The starting point in all this is the commercial value on the shop floor. Visitors and exhibitors value the businesslike, yet convivial atmosphere at the fair. Indeed, creating an environment in which to stage enjoyable meetings and do business with people from the sector is the Brussels Furniture Fair’s greatest strength.
Its division into segments makes the fair easy for visitors to navigate, thus saving both time and effort. Each segment is targeted at a specific part of the furniture trade, from contemporary pieces to bedroom comfort. An efficient trade fair visit is guaranteed. And if you save time, you can discover more!
The range on show at the Brussels Furniture Fair is geared to the needs of the European furniture trade. You’ll find collections in Brussels that are sure to give your sales a lift. The focus of the fair’s high-quality, hugely diverse and representative selection is on commercial value on the shop floor. There’s a representative mix of the Belgian furniture industry, plus a select offering from leading European manufacturers in the broad middle segment.
More and more of the exhibitors at the Brussels Furniture Fair are also turning their attention to the contract market or are offering tailor-made products. So a visit to the fair is definitely worthwhile for contract specialists too! On a specially adapted plan of the fair the exhibitors who may be of interest are marked with a special logo. The same logo also appears on the name-boards at the stands, which makes it absolutely clear who is professionally engaged in the contract market. And you can of course also find these exhibitors by using the search function in the list of exhibitors. This extra efficiency makes a visit to the fair even more attractive and enables you, the project organiser, to see the wood through the trees.
Brussels Expo
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