Advantage of Internationalization: CISILE 2023 attracted many foreign users, dealers and agents visiting, negotiation and synergy . CISILE has already become an international purchasing and trading platform in scientific instruments industry.

Advantage of Branding: Over the past 18 years, CISILE has won high-level popularity and influence and been deeply recognized and complimented by the colleagues of this industry. Many well-known enterprises take CISILE as their first choice for the release conference of their new products and technologies. The activity of independent innovation awards selection has also become the booster and wind vane of the development of national scientific instruments.

Advantage of Industry Aggregation: CISILE ranks the top in both domestic and international scientific instruments exhibitions whether in terms of the number of exhibitors and professional visitors or the coverage of the exhibited products and the advancement of the technologies. The strong industry aggregation advantage of CISILE allows it to become the trading and cooperation platform increasingly favored by producers and purchasers.


China National Convention Center

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Worldwide analogues
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