China, Nanjing, Nanjing International Expo Centre (NIEC)
Fire alarm equipment: Fire alarm equipment: fire detection alarm, controller, leakage fire alarm, fire power supply etc;
Intelligent fire protection: urban fire remote monitoring system, one-stop solution for fire protection internet, enterprise fire protection network, UAV, robot, etc;
Automatic fire extinguishing equipment: automatic sprinkler system, gas fire extinguishing, aerosol fire extinguishing system, dry powder fire extinguishing and other technologies and products;
Fire fighting equipment: fire engine, personal protective equipment, emergency rescue equipment, fire monitor, descending device, etc;
Fire-fighting apparatus: fire extinguishers, fire hydrant systems, demolition tools, fire hoses, fire warning signs, etc;
Building fire protection: fireproof coating, fireproof doors and windows, fireproof glass, trench pipe fittings, pumps, valves and pipelines, high-temperature smoke exhaust fan, flame retardant materials, etc;
Emergency rescue: urban emergency command system, emergency rescue support equipment, emergency lighting, rescue equipment, emergency engineering rescue equipment, etc;
Safety protection: protective equipment, protective gloves, safety helmet, safety nets and ropes, etc;
Achievement display: government, park, construction units, large-scale fire engineering achievements display, excellent fire engineering cases, etc;
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